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Iatefl Poland 2024

Stowarzyszenie Nauczycieli Języka Angielskiego IATEFL Poland i wydawnictwo EGIS wyłączny przedstawiciel Express Publishing w Polsce serdecznie zapraszają nauczycieli i lektorów języka angielskiego do wzięcia udziału w niezwykłym wydarzeniu: 33rd IATEFL POLAND International Conference. W tym roku spotykamy się w dniach 20-22 września w Gdańsku.

Rejestrację jest prowadzona przez IATEFL POLAND. Zarejestruj się»


Konferencja Stowarzyszenia Nauczycieli Języka Angielskiego IATEFL Poland to przede wszystkim:

  • doskonalenie zawodowe dla nauczycieli języków obcych
  • praktyczne warsztaty i inspirujące wykłady prowadzone przez światowe autorytety różnych specjalności
  • „lekcje na żywo” prowadzone przez metodyków, autorów podręczników i świetnych praktyków
  • gotowe pomysły i narzędzia do wykorzystania w klasie
  • doskonalenie znajomości języka - Advanced Lessons for Teachers
  • możliwość zapoznania się z szeroką ofertą wydawnictw i firm.


Szczególnej uwadze polecamy sesję plenarną, którą poprowadzi Jenny Dooley (prezes wydawnictwa Express Publishing, autorka i współautorka wielu podręczników) 


What exactly does it mean to be a teacher in the 21st century? Have we really embraced the latest skills required to educate students in the modern world? How are we really facilitating communication in the classroom? Do our instructional materials reflect our values? How are we guiding our learners to use their creativity and think outside the box?
Helping our students evolve and flourish in an inquiring and secure learning environment is mandatory. In the new era of education, simply teaching to the test is inadequate. In this session, we shall explore activities designed not only to prepare students for the real world but also to make the learning process an enjoyable and intriguing experience!


JENNY DOOLEY, president of Express Publishing, holds an M.Ed. from the University of Wales, Swansea. She has been a teacher, teacher trainer and author in the ELT field for more than twenty years. She has travelled extensively, delivering seminars and holding workshops in Latin America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Jenny is the owner and manager of one of the piloting schools used by Express Publishing and is the president of HEC, a language exams distribution centre. She has also been influential in the creation of children’s theatre groups, which aim to stimulate young learners’ imagination while enhancing their English language learning. Her research interests include: language acquisition in young learners; the application of the multiple intelligence theory in language learning; gamification in education; neuroscience; and modern assessment. She has been involved in the development of printed, audio-visual, animated and digital ELT materials for more than two decades. Some of her latest publications are: 4Minds, #English, iWonder, Right On and On Screen. She has also designed DigiBooks, a gamified LMS platform with ELT content.


Równie gorąco polecamy sesję, którą poprowadzi George Kokolas (dyrektor akademicki w wydawnictwie Express Publishing i trener nauczycieli)



Negative feelings and demotivation are a daily part of our classroom lives... Positive Education is not simply a bunch of theories asking people to “feel great against adversity”
but a thoroughly scientific, long-implemented educational framework through the application of which teachers and students can flourish and find encouragement when
they feel stuck or demotivated. The speaker will provide the reason behind using Positive Education in ELT, demonstrate diverse activities and show that PosEd is something
caught and not taught!

GEORGE KOKOLAS has been working as the Academic Director and Teacher Trainer for Express Publishing for the last 23 years. He is a certified LEVEL 5 TEFL and ADVANCED
Neurolanguage Coach®. He holds a Level 5 Diploma in Positive Psychology and a Level 5 Diploma as a Positive Educator and Trainer. He also holds a BA in English Literature. Since 2017, he has been the co-host and producer of the podcast “Teachers’ Coffee”. In 2022, he was acknowledged as a key ELT Influencer in his country. He has delivered over 1000 presentations in 91 countries!


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